Win the Gaia GPS app for Android or IOS || Holiday Giveaway #5

We’re getting close to the end, today and then a final grand prize tomorrow. Good luck!

Yesterday’s winner

Congrats to Bill R, yesterday’s winner of the Platypus Platy Bottles.

Today’s giveaway

With the GaiaGPS app, my smartphone has the same functionality as a conventional handheld GPS unit. In many respects a smartphone-as-GPS is an even better system: it saves me several hundred dollars and 4-8 ounces; it utilizes a device with a better screen (bigger, brighter, higher-resolution, pinch-and-zoom, swipe, etc); and it gives me access to gold standard data like USGS quads and Landsat imagery, rather than proprietary data that is generally inferior.

I use my GPS as a backup navigation tool, when I want confirmation or a level of precision that I cannot get with my paper maps, compass, and watch. Read more about my map system.

A screenshot of Gaia GPS, an app that gives your smartphone the capabilities of a handheld GPS (and then some).

A screenshot of Gaia GPS, an app that gives your smartphone the capabilities of a handheld GPS (and then some).

The raffle for this item has closed. View the most recent giveaway.

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Posted in on December 12, 2016
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  1. Carol Haas on December 12, 2016 at 9:00 pm

    Sounds like a great app!

  2. Adam on December 13, 2016 at 8:13 am

    Better than Backcounty Navigator?

    • Andrew Skurka on December 13, 2016 at 2:32 pm

      I have not used Navigator. Gaia does what I need it to do, and it has not left me wanting something else. Plus, Gaia is a distance second place among my nav tools. If it’s more of a primary device for you, you might wish it had something else.

    • Boyan on January 2, 2017 at 2:58 am

      I personally like BCNAV better. The Gaia UI is more polished, the maps download faster, but the ability to manage multiple trips, add and edit waypoints, etc, is inferior, at least in my limited experience. Unfortunately with a grace period of just 4 hrs it is difficult to do a proper comparison

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