In the Wind River Range, my route went over 12,800-foot Bonney Pass, which is the left-of-center low spot on the ridge that is obscured by the knob in the foreground. My pole tips — which had eroded into metal nubs — were a major liability on the Dinwoody Glacier, up which I had to climb.
This summer I used the Cascade Mountain Tech Quick Lock Trekking Poles (short-term review) on two significant outings, in addition to some local day-hikes: a 10-day thru-hike of the Kings Canyon High Basin Route, and an 8-day yo-yo of Wyoming’s Wind River Range, including a northbound thru-hike of the Wind River High Route.
The cumulative use amounted to 400+ miles, with nearly 200 miles of burly off-trail travel and 125,000 vertical feet of gain. For the average backpacker, I suspect this is equivalent to 2-3 months of continuous use, or several backpacking seasons.
Based on my experience in July in Kings Canyon, I concluded that only three other poles (or pole types) are worth considering:
- Black Diamond Alpine Carbon Cork Poles, for the extreme user who will justify the expense through extensive use;
- Black Diamond Ultra Mountain Carbon Trekking Poles, or other foldable models, for ultra runners needing more compactness; and,
- Gossamer Gear LT3C Poles, or DIY fixed-length poles, for gram weenies who never or rarely fly to their backpacking destinations.
Otherwise, however, buy the Cascade Mountain Tech Quick Lock Poles, from your local Costco or from Amazon with Prime shipping for a few dollars more. Models from more well known outdoor brands and retailers are not worth the added cost. In most cases, you will pay much more and get much less.
My recommendation did not change after the Winds trip, despite the revelation of two design flaws, which I’d like to share in this long-term review. Thankfully, both are easily and inexpensively resolved.

Left: Cascade Mountain Tech pole tips. Right: Black Diamond Flex Tech Tips, which have proven more durable.
Pole tips
The durability of the CMT pole tips is sub-par, even accounting for the intensity of my use. Mine wore down into rounded metal nubs, and their lack of bite was an annoyance on hard-packed dirt trails and a liability on frozen snowfields and glacial ice.
The problem is the tip cap, which consists of a carbide spike embedded into a metal socket. I believe that the metal is too soft, or the spike is too short, or both. Gravel, sand, and other abrasive materials erode away the metal socket, and eventually the carbide tip falls out. The erosion of the socket accelerates from there.
Once the tips wear out, replace them with Leki Carbide Universal Flex Tips or with Black Diamond Flex Tech Tips. My pick is the latter: they are $12 for a 2-pack, versus $20 for the Leki tips.
Tip replacement is normal, and I’ve done it many times. For best results, twist off the old tips with pliers after heating them in boiling water. Clean the shafts and install the new tips. So that they stay put, tap the pole a few times on a hard surface (e.g. concrete, granite rock) before using.

Three (out of four) plastic ferrules have developed hairline fractures, due to the pressure exerted on them when the locks are tightened. If a ferrule were to shatter in the field, the pole would be useless until you can get to a hardware store.
Locking mechanisms
To prevent the shafts from slipping and to reduce shaft vibration, I keep the locks tightly closed. However, this puts significant pressure on the plastic ferrule, and I noticed that three (out out four) had developed hairline fractures. This is a design flaw: for an extra few pennies, CMT could have avoided this problem entirely by using a metal ferrule.
If a plastic ferrule were to shatter in the field, the pole would be useless. Both locks must be functional, and there is no good field repair; the shafts can be glued together, but this obviously has drawbacks.
At the hardware store, buy these two items:
- Nylon lock nuts: #10 size for 32 threads/inch screws (“Fine”)
- Flat washers: #10
Note: One reader who seems to know more about nuts and bolts than I do believes these recommended sizes are incorrect, and that M5 x 0.8 are the true size.
The cost will be $2-3 and a few extra grams of pole weight.
Because the nylon lock nuts are difficult to turn without a 3/8-inch wrench or impact driver attachment, I recommend a home repair. Do not wait until a plastic ferrule shatters completely in the field.
In a similar vein, you may want to replace only the plastic ferrules with visible hairline fractures. Because the ferrules are much easier to turn than the nylon lock nuts, you can more easily micro-adjust the tension on the locking mechanism. With the lock nuts, you mostly set it and forget it.

Top: The stock locking mechanism, which is prone to failure. Bottom: My inexpensive solution, using a #10-32 nylon locking nut and washer.
If you own these poles, I’m interested in knowing if you have encountered these or other issues. Please share.
Disclosure. This post contains affiliate links, whereby I receive a small commission for sales-generating referral traffic. There is no cost to readers (e.g. prices are the same), and it helps to support my efforts to develop great content.
I have been using the poles for both skiing and backpacking for about a year now and had no complaints, only good things to say.
But these solutions are very good to know.
Andrew I thought you would like to know they now make these exact ones (non twist lock) with a cork grip:
Loving the great content. Keep it coming!
Excellent LT review. And thank you Vadim for the link to Amazon, as my mother has been unable to get these poles at her local Costco.
When my pair of aluminum poles from WM give way, these will be next up.
I ran into a different issue – the adjustment on the strap seized. The pins that hold the straps are poor quality steel and corroded. The corrosion stiffened the straps and locked it them place. Had to punch the pin and clean it all up. Stainless steel pins would have prevented the problem. Note – replacement pins are not available through Cascade.
The poles were about four years old with three hikes on them – a total of about 20 trail days. Suspect the corrosion was mostly caused storage in the garage in Florida heat and humidity.
With respect to the ferrules, I’m not sure the plastic breaking would disable the pole. The plastic is molded around a metal insert that may still hold. But agree, the whole thing needs to be metal.
While I still have carbide on the tips, they are wearing much faster than my friends Lekis that have double the miles on them. I suspect Cascade use a lower grade carbide.
But overall, they are a great value for a carbon pole.
I have the Cascade Mtn Tech twist lock poles—same problem on only one pole. Cust service at Cascade sells replacement bottom sections for $8.00 ea. Be careful to order the right model.
Since I am not a thru hiker, my usage is low enough that this might fix the problem for life?? We’ll see.
Thank you for the headsup on these poles. I bought myself a pair as a Xmas gift and had the opportunity to use them for a car camping trip to the Pinnacles here in California, they worked great along the trails and even in some cave hiking. Looking forward to many miles with them.
Great fix for this issue. I’m a casual user of these poles compared to you, and have noticed faint cracks in the plastic piece in question.
I’ve had the poles for about 10 months and the straps are shredding (where they attach to the plastic piece), to the point of being useless. Many people cut em off anyway but I tend to prefer the wrist support afforded by them.
Otherwise I love these poles, use them often in the snow as well and I’ll run them into the ground.
I have the CMT Twist Lock type (not a fan of the flip lock) and after a rugged summer of backpacking in the Cascades over miles of granite and scree, the carbide tips look brand new.
My gf has the flip-lock version and her tips are long gone, worn down and fallen off, actually. My tips have a different shape to them; not just a rounded end, but with a bit of a flare at the base.
So I wonder if the cheaper Costco-sold version has an inferior tip to the $39 twist-lock.
Very, very interesting. It sounds like they are using a different tip for these two models, or changed tips at some point.
Curious why you have a preference for the twist locks. I bought my wife those several years ago, and on the first trip out I had to do some repair — the glue that kept the expansion nut system embedded in the shaft did not adhere to the shaft. So I had to reglue the piece with krazy glue. That seemed to work.
According to their site, http://www.cascademountaintech.com/Trekking-Poles-s/247.htm, the cork poles are heavier than the foams, which seems odd to me. While I’d like cork, I’m leaning toward the Locus CP3, which come in at about 11 oz. per pair. The tip looks sturdier, too. I also thought someone said that the CMT cork was inferior.
I’m hesitant to go “strapless.” We must use poles a little differently, as I don’t shorten or choke up on the poles when climbing. I plant the tips behind me, and keep my arms/hands fairly level while kind of pushing backwards. I find that the straps give me a little more leverage. Of course, side-hilling and “real world” up and down hiking should be considered. When I need free hands, I just let go and the pole just swing, so I don’t have to set them anywhere. To each his own!
Well, I tried the Locus CP3s, and I’m not terribly happy with them. Maybe it’s just me, but every time I plant them on the ground, I get the “boing” effect, for lack of a better word to describe the vibration. Additionally, if you use the supplied small baskets, they screw beyond the top of the threads if you tighten them securely. I know folks disagree about baskets, but even the small ones help when crossing snow drifts this time of year. Otherwise, the poles act like spears.
I’ve now had 2 sets of these poles with the same problem with both.
After about a year a use on the first set, the cork grip on one slid down the pole.
Thought I got a fair amount of use out of them so I bought a second set, and the same thing happened on my very first trip with them.
I’m wondering if calling or e-mailing Cascade Mountain and asking how much a set of plastic ferrules would set you back might be a better solution. I am guessing they might even send a pair out complementary, or not much more than the cost of the purchased hardware.
And thanks for the update. While my tips are looking fine, the plastic ferrules are showing signs of cracking.
Very good idea.
I think I was looking for a long term solution, not a band aid. But given how little these weigh and how much use you can get before they break, it might be a good part for your repair kit.
I had the same issues with the tips, after only 200 miles on the JMT. The rounded sockets had some bite on rock, but not nearly as much as the carbide. Pic here: http://imgur.com/a/YXKFU
I’m gonna email CMT and see if they’ll sell me a few of the plastic tightening knobs. I like the adjustability, but I think the breakage concern is a real one.
Good idea to get spare knobs. Did they send?
My CMT Cork Carbon poles suffered the same fate as one of your guest’s posts described in their trek through the Wind River Range https://andrewskurka.com/2016/wind-river-high-route-trip-report-loop-8/ . For their first use, I took them on a 5 day trip in the Ouachita mountains with dense boulder fields, and one finally snapped after trekking hard through the rocky terrain on day 5. Granted, with a little more finesse, it could have been avoided. Up to that point, they were performing wonderfully. Very light and the cork was very comfortable. Still trying to evaluate if I will continue to use. With a slightly larger frame than an ultra runner (i.e. 175-180lbs), I may need to consider something more durable and forgiving of my brutishness
Thanks for these tips. I just bought a pair of these poles, and will be adding the nuts and washers tomorrow.
I have enjoyed these poles for a couple of years without having problems. I did notice the cracks in the clear plastic shortly after starting to use them but none have not completely failed yet requiring repair. I will add a few replacement nuts to my repair kit just-in-case now that I’ve read this, thanks.
My son and I just used our CMT Carbon poles hiking the Bartram Trail in NC a couple of weeks back. We both encountered the cracking in the ferrules you describe, but they did not fail on the trek. I did carry a fix in my repair kit for them if they had, but rather than use the lock nuts, I used #10-32 brass knurled nuts instead. Since the hike we replaced the plastic covered ones outright with the nuts. The advantage these knurled nuts have is they can be finger tightened without a tool.
A serrated flange nut would probably hold just as reliably as a nylock or stover nut in this application, but would adjust just as easily as a standard nut. You can get them from a good hardware store, or from a place like Fastenal or McMaster Carr.
I would not use them with a washer in this application.
Can you use a black diamond or other companies basket??
I don’t recall how the baskets are connected to the tips (e.g. thread or lock-and-grove), and I threw out the original tips a while back.
If you replace the stock tips like I recommend, then you can use the baskets of that company.
Here are some tip replacement instructions, https://andrewskurka.com/2016/trekking-pole-replacement-tips-buyers-guide-instructions/
Andrew, I’ve been using these poles (with cork) for two years for backpacking and other hiking, mostly in Colorado wilderness. I really like them. The only mar on them is some nicks out of the cork handles where a Snowshoe Hare nibbled on them while they were serving as adjustable poles for my TarpTent Squall!
I discovered your review as I was looking around after I broke the bottom section of one pole this week, post-holing in deep snow. I think the pole got cold and brittle, and the hard-going through timber-fall and rock (trying to get to a stream) was just too much. I don’t really blame a $45 pair of poles for giving a little under those conditions!
I wanted to say here that I was SHOCKED to find I can get a replacement part for $7.99 with no shipping charge??! I think I will order two so I have fresh tips on both and a spare. This service makes these poles all the more valuable.
My replacement sections arrived in a timely way. I have them installed and ready to go. I’ll save the old one for a spare. There was a small shipping charge.
Regarding “boing effect” mentioned several posts above:
It annoys me too. I’ve found that extending the upper section to max length, and then adjusting the lower as needed, helps a lot.
It probably increases swing weight, or pendulum effect, but I haven’t noticed it.
It is noticeably stiffer and quieter.
Perhaps this is common knowledge; it seems intuitive. I’m new to trekking poles.
If so, please delete.
These poles are now at Costco for only $29 (at least in Hawaii).
This looks like their regular price here.
That is an excellent value. I concur with Andrew S. on this one:
with his quick fix for the locks and tips you’re getting a very nice, 8oz per pole, set.
I also remove the straps, as they get in the way a bit so it reduces the weight a little bit more.
I normally use Black Diamond Trail Pro Trekking Poles (aluminum, no shock system, 9oz each) at home, but since I only do carry on when I travel to Hawaii I’m forced to make something from Bamboo or buy these locally at Costco.
I like aluminum because when I’ve accidentally jammed one in-between a rock while descending, it did not shatter. It flexed quite a bit and returned to its shape when I let go.
I’m certain carbon would have shattered. I need to be more careful it seems : )
That being said and my available options in Hawaii, I’m impressed by the Cascade Mountain set. For the money they are unbeatable and have lots of great attachments.
have used the cascade poles for 3 years including 4 seasons in new england, wind river and chirachouas, and vermont long trail (rugged!) end to end 2017. tips have held up and no slippage, no breakage (except anomaly see below) and used for echo 2 and notch tents. “Tipped” over turning in my notch tent and fell into pole. it held but cracked like an egg shell. I duct taped it and finished next 200 miles of the the rockyrootymuddysteeprainy vermud trail. for 8 dolllars replaced the lower broken section. 15 1/2 ounces, comfortable handles with lower extensions. will trust them for colorado trail this summer. great value. i am 73 and have used many and worn out many brands of poles over the years and broken a few both alum and carbon. cascade have been the best blend of performance weight and cost
I’m thinking of getting a pair as a gift. I just checked Amazon and found that there are two models with identical prices: cork grip and eva grip. Have you had a chance to try the cork grip?
Not as in-depth as the foam. It’s fake cork, so don’t expect anything special.
A quick note for anyone searching for the lock-nut modification:
The threads for the locking latch bolt on a current set of CMT trekking poles are not #10-32 as listed in Andy’s original post. That’s close, but not quite right. Instead I think they are metric threads, M5 x 0.8. (Math Warning: 0.8mm = 0.0314961 inches, 32 pitch threads = 1/32 = 0.03125)
I found this out by trying standard #10-32 lock nuts on my new CMT poles I bought through Amazon this spring, and those were VERY tight. I ran an M5mm x 0.8 tap through the nuts to re-cut them to that size, and they now fit perfectly. Maybe that’s why they were so hard to turn in the original post…
Recently bought the CMT poles based on your long-term review.
I can confirm that the threads on mine are M5-0.8, not 10-32.
It is possible they changed the thread size. (Definitely want to take spare nuts in my repair kit — am considering stainless-steel knurled nuts.)
Also, the plastic nuts on the poles I received have brass inserts, which would make failure much less catastrophic. (Not sure if the ones you reviewed here have the inserts, hard to tell from the photos.)
Mine has brass inserts as well.. would you say it makes replacing the nuts less necessary?
It would be nice for Andrew to reply here. If you look closely, at his photos (above) you can see see that his poles had brass inserts, also. They are just barely detectable — through the plastic. Still, he felt the need to replace them. I’m like others, in that I think if the plastic broke, the brass insert would still hold. But maybe I’m not thinking clearly about this. Andrew?
I just bought these…
After replacing the tips with Back Diamond flex tips, will the old baskets fit the new tips?
We replaced with BD Flex Tech Tips and we were still able to use the CMT baskets.
Here is a link to a stainless steel version of the failing plastic finger nuts:
$3.01 each plus they do charge a bit of shipping. Good if you need to re-tighten them on the trail without tools, but the nylock solution has its own merits.
I just got these
Do you just screw them on without a washer in place of the plastic ferrules?
Great poles on my 3 week JMT trip (+ a few preliminary practice hikes), except the tips completely failed me about 3/4 through: in my case the rounded metal nub completely fell off for one pole and I was then walking on rapidly-wearing plastic / carbon fiber! Still need to investigate / replace tips, but I suspect the lower segment might be damaged & need replacement.
They wear really fast. My advice: replace the tips sooner rather than later as preventive maintenance – even if they look “mostly new” – before doing anything more than a few days…
I’ve had mine two seasons now. They’ve rattled some, and the locks are sub-par, but they’ve done the job. The tips were holding up decently. This year, going nobo on the JMT out of Horseshoe Meadow, one shaft broke on the way down to resupply over Kearsarge Pass, knocking me off the trail. I had no way to get a replacement without violating my permit for staying off trail too long, as my nearest point of replacement was Mammoth. At 67 with a TKR, I need them. I was pushing them hard, descending fast, but it didn’t get caught in a crease. I’ve replaced with a pair of Leki Legacy Lite Cor-Tec Trekking Poles at 8.6oz ea. Not the lightest, as they’re aluminum, but my older, heavier aluminum Lekis were bomb-proof, so I’m going with a brand I trust. Bonus, they’re not made in China.
Using M5 x 0.8 wingnuts instead of standard nuts might resolve the issue with adjustability?
I’m on my second pair of these poles and continue to be so impressed, particularly for the price. I use them for hiking almost daily, and for backpacking. I just used them as ski poles for the first time on a weeklong backcountry ski tour. They worked so effectively with the powder baskets, were comfortable, and just the right length for me. Love these sticks!
The wrist straps are both flipped the same way for left hand grip. Is there a way to flip one to fit a right hand grip?
I had exact same issue. Bought two pairs from costco. On first hike to yosemite carbide tip fell off. Cascade mountain sent a replacement lower section and rubber tip. Lets see how these last.
Question: I replaced my REI Komperdell trek pole tips with the Leki Universal carbide tips. The old tips were very worn-down. Based on my measurements, there is a “empty space” of 0.5-0.75 in. Is this OK or are they bound to snap in this area? Thank you!
Not sure.
I’d test out the poles, as extensively as you can, in a low-risk environment (e.g. a few day hikes) before I relied on them for a serious overnight trip.
Thanks. I’ll report back. My intuition is, not a great scenario.
This is an old thread, but I really got a bunch of great info from it and two of other Andrew’s old (but great) articles on trekking poles and tip replacement – so thanks to Andrew and all who have commented & shared your info/experiences over the years! Thank you – I have benefited from the info!
Those other two articles include:
1. https://andrewskurka.com/cascade-mountain-tech-quick-lock-trekking-poles-review/ Original cascade Mtn Trekking pole review
2. https://andrewskurka.com/trekking-pole-replacement-tips-buyers-guide-instructions/ trekking pole tip replacement
Just trying to pass on my learning on trekking poles (so far!).
I’ve used many brands of trekking poles since 1997. I am still using my Leki Makalu Ultralightweight alum poles that I got in the 2001 era (I use them for technical or Colorado 14er missions). I also have GG LT5’s and Leki Black Series FX Carbon Z poles as I continue to section hike the AT (I’m ~ 2/3 done). I also have the Cascade Mtn 3K Carbon Cork poles that I have done the Skurka mods to (replaced the tips, and updated the 5mm locking nut hardware).
As I survey today’s avail options in 2023, I really don’t know a better solution than to get the Cascade Mtn Carbon Fiber 3K trekking poles, and then do the Skurka mods (carefully swap the the tips out – I like the Leki brand, and update the qty 4 locking device hardware – i.e., replace the plastic/brass nuts with 5mm M5 X 0.8 nylon lock nuts and #10 flat washers; the#10 flat washers better fit/fill the locking mechanism recess than 5mm flat washers ).
If you get the mentioned Cascade Mtn Carbon 3K poles, make the mods that Andrew recommended back in 2015 (8 years ago), you will still end up with a really solid pair of lightweight trekking poles (that can extend up to ~57″ for the ZPacks Plex Solo or Altaplex), for ~$78.33 vs $205 for the Black Diamond Alpine Carbon Cork poles that everyone agrees are the ultimate (the Black Diamond’s only extend to ~52″ (or maybe 53″). The detail on the $78.33 for the Cascade Mtn 3K Carbon poles is: $58.84 for the Casc Mtn 3K Carbon poles + $14.93 for the Leki Univ Flex Tips from Amazon + $4.56 nylon lock nuts + #10 flate washers from Lowes = $78.33.
As you consider your options for trekking poles, consider your needs in the following areas/categories (I didn’t catch these categories/trade offs earlier as I debated which trekking poles to use):
1. What material do you want/need? Alum or Carbon Fiber or “mixed” (Leki now has mixed sets). Carbon fiber is slightly lighter than Carbon Fiber, but Aluminum is generally thought to be more robust than Carbon fiber. I’ve only failed one trekking pole in my 26 years of serious backpacking (fell on one of my alum Leki’s – got a new section). I have never “failed” a Carbon Fiber pole, but I have only been using them for ~5 years of my 26 years of serious backpacking (only using them/Carbon Fiber poles “on trail”). For 14er work (Colorado Grand Slam or Nolan’s 14), I have always used aluminum. I think that is my split/decision point. If it’s off trail/rough/boldering/scree – I’m going w Alum. If I’m section hiking on the AT, and don’t have to have a 52″ + pole for a tent, I’m going with the ultra lightweight carbon fiber GG LT5’s ($195). If I’m on the AT and need 52 to 57″ of trekking pole height for a tent/tarp, I’ll use the subject Cascade Mtn Carbon Fiber 3K poles. YMMV
2. how long do you need the poles to extend to for your tent? The Altaplex needs 56 to 60″, and the Plex Solo requires at least 52″. Many poles only extend to 51″. My Tarptent Notch Li only needs 44″ for the two trekking poles, and my ZPacks Pocket Tarp w doors only needs 48″. If you need 52 to 57″, the Cascade Mtn poles can be a great solution (the CNOC/Diorite poles are another option as they extend to 62″, i.e., if/when they are in stock).
3. do you need/want the folding “Z” function (trekking poles with the newfangled locking/unlocking mechanism that allows the pole to fold down small/short into three sections, with a cable keeping all pieces connected), that can fold up shorter and fit in your pack easier (big benefit, but the hardware required for that “Z” feature adds weight (compared to non-Z poles), and, these “Z” type poles generally won’t extend over 51″, making you get a pole jack if you use with the Plex Solo or Altaplex). Z poles from Black Diamond or Leki generally will fold down (in 3 pieces to ~ 15.75″ (nice for when you are hitching into town). I really didn’t understand what “Z” type poles were all about till 2021 since I had never used them till we got my wife a set (she loves them – allows her to stow the poles in her day pack as she hikes with her lady friends). Poles that don’t have the Z function generally shorten up to a “pack length” of 26″ to 31″ (so you lose 10 to 15 inches – in the stowed/pack mode – when you get a Z style pole). The Cascade Mtn 3K poles that I’m recommending are not Z style, and they condense/shorten/collapse to 26″ (which is plenty short enough for me for 99.999% of my missions).
4. How light a pole set do you need/want? Trekking pole sets generally range (in weight) from 10.44 oz (for qty 2) to 18.6 oz (for qty 2). The GG LT-5’s are the icon for lightweight carbon poles at 10.44 oz/set, and have a reputation for being robust enough for the AT and similar “on trail” missions (might not be best option for Colorado 14er work off trail work w/ scree/boulders). My old 2001 vintage Leki alum Makalu ultralights have taken years of 14er abuse, and weigh 18 to 18.6 oz, and I really don’t notice that much difference when I use them vs the GG LT-5’s at 10.44 oz or the other sets in the 16 oz range. I was expecting to really notice the GG LT-5’s and their lower weight, but……. I can however notice 8 extra oz of weight addition/reduction on my back or shoes though, so I know lighter is better (for me if I’m not doing off trailer 14er work).
5. Budget. As mentioned, the Cascasde Mtn Carbon 3K w mods will run you ~$78.33 in 2023 (a solid set of trekking poles for low/medium $’s). My Leki Black Series FX Carbon Z poles are $270 (great to have as a lighterweight folding Z set at 16.3 oz for the set (the collapse to 15.5″ or so). The GG LT-5’s are $195 and weigh 10.4 oz for the set, and collapse to 23.5″. The Black Diamond Alpine Carbon Cork poles are ~$200 in 2023, weigh 17.1 oz, and collapse to 24″.
If you consider all the above factors for the Cascade Mtn 3K Carbon Fiber poles (w the Skurka mods), are a pretty robust solution, fold down to 26″, weigh 16 oz for the set, and extend to ~57″. Except for Colorado off trail technical work (which maybe they could handle), hard to beat.
Like others that have commented within this thread, I had trouble getting my pole tips off (when I went to upgrade the Cascade Mtn 3K Carbon pole tips per this Andrew Skurka article).
The following video shows how some tips come off easy with the sliding crescent wrench method:
https://youtu.be/Yr8px4qhKHw Mine did not come off this easy.
As some of you have mentioned, my tips didn’t come off as easy as that video shows (I tried and tried to bang them off with the sliding crescent wrench with no initial success). I also tried the boiling water method as Andrew shared (I didn’t leave my carbon fiber poles in for more than 2 minutes – I’ve read others talk about leaving the poles in the boiling water for 10 minutes in effort to get the blue to release. I really had to “bang” the heck out of both pole tips with the crescent wrench prior to the tips finally coming off. It took me so long (and so many “passes” with the crescent wrench) that the carbon fiber “lower” section was scuffed up cosmetically. After banging on them for 10 minutes…., finally got both of the old tips off. I hope my advice below prevents you from having to go thru that.
The next time I have to remove tips, if they don’t come off easy as Andrew describes, and/or if they don’t bang off after one or two attempts with the crescent wrench – in the future, I will carefully cut them off (as this video shows: https://youtu.be/dOlGuQBNaqs ). I would carefully cut them off to avoid the long/protracted battle to “knock them off” with the crescent wrench (possibly resulting in a scared lower section/shaft. In this case where the tips don’t seem to want to come loose, I would take my time (while cutting the old tips off), and make sure that I didn’t cut into the alum or carbon fiber (if you did that, and weakened the base structure of your poles, you have defeated the entire purpose/objective – so I would be very very very careful “cutting” them off – but that’s what I would do to avoid scuffing the lower section as I did. If you “almost” cut thru the tip that you are going to remove, and don’t go all the way thru, and then you use a screw driver to twist/separate/split the tip when the remaining material is thin, I’m confident that I/you could do that, and not ruin/compromise the base pole lower section.
So next set that I have to replace a “tip”, I would attempt (one or two cycles with) the crescent wrench method, and if no luck, then I’d try the boiling water w plyers and maybe another attempt w the crescent wrench, but if the tip(s) didn’t come off with that level of effort, I would very carefully use either use a die grinder with a cutting disk, or a dremel with a cut off wheel, or a manual/hand hack saw blade (being very very careful to not go thru the pole tip….,into the base trekking pole material).
Thanks again to Andrew and all of you for sharing your knowledge/experiences – they helped me! Thank you
How about these brass knurled nuts on Amazon? (stainless also available)
“uxcell Brass Knurled Thumb Nuts, M5x0.8mm”
(8 nuts for $9.49 US currency)
FYI I just bought a set, it was the two pack from Costco for $70 USD, and the nuts on the adjusters are now all metal. No more plastic like in the ones described here.