Giveaway || Start your week right: Win a Hydro Flask Water Bottle & Food Flask

Ugh, Monday.

This week I relate more than I normally do: three flights in five days, and three full days without my BFF, who makes everyday better around here.

BFF Oden

Okay, onto the reason you are really here — a free giveaway of a new:

These vacuum-insulated containers are a treat on trips where convenience and luxury trump weight, like done-in-a-day ski trips and cold-weather hikes. The Food Flask is office-approved, too — I have sent Amanda off to work multiple times with ours full of homemade elk chili.

How to enter

This giveaway contest is  now closed. The winners were Eric T and Steve, lucky numbers 338 and 228, respectively.

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Posted in on March 20, 2017


  1. Gordon on March 25, 2017 at 8:28 am

    Andrew, did you get caught up in the Boulder evacuation? Hope you, Amanda, and Oden are OK.

    • Andrew Skurka on March 26, 2017 at 6:51 am

      No, we don’t live in that part of town. Thanks for your concern though.

      • Gordon on March 28, 2017 at 8:51 am

        OK, good to know. But who won the prizes! 😉

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