How to get sponsored

If you are looking for product and/or financial support for your next expedition, this article may help. It explains sponsorships types, the sponsorship process, and what companies want in return for their sponsorship.

What it means to be “sponsored”

There are about three levels of sponsorship:

  1. Tier 1: Free or discounted gear;
  2. Tier 2: Tier 1 + an expense stipend for race fees, travel costs, and lodging; and,
  3. Tier 3: Tier 2 + a salary

Within each tier there can be significant differences in the level of support provided by the sponsor. For example, does the sponsor fulfill all gear requests or does it impose a budgetary cap? Does the sponsor pay for a rental sedan or for a Winnebago? And does that “salary” still require a day job or can it allow for full-time training.

Most athletes sponsored by companies in the outdoor industry only receive gear. Some athletes receive a stipend for competitions costs and/or a small salary. Very few athletes earn a salary that adequately supports a lifestyle. If you are looking to get sponsored, expect to start with Tier 1 and hope to move up as you begin to prove your worth to them.

The Sponsorship Process

Some companies have a strict sponsorship request process that they require applicants to follow, which they do in order to cut down on processing time and to standardize applications. Other companies have a looser process, and some have none at all. If the company provides you with very specific instructions on how to apply, follow them. If there is some leeway in the application process, you may want to take the following steps:

Draft a “Sponsorship Proposal” that includes to-the-point descriptions of who you are, what you do, what you want from the sponsor, and what you will provide in return. Previous communication with the company can be really helpful here—if you understand their objectives and priorities, you can explain how you will help them. Otherwise you are just guessing about what they need.

Submit the proposal to the appropriate person. To determine who the appropriate person is, look online or call Customer Service if it’s not posted anywhere. If you have a contact at the prospective sponsor (either directly or through a friend), try to get them to deliver your proposal.

Follow-up with this person after giving them a reasonable amount of time to look through your proposal. Be persistent, but not obnoxious. If you have left several voice mails and/or have sent several e-mails without getting any response, you have essentially put the ball in their court—they’ll get back with you if they are interested. There’s not much else you can do.

Expect rejection. Companies like GoLite receive literally thousands of sponsorship proposals every year yet they sponsor only a handful of athletes and events, many of which they have been sponsoring for several years, i.e. there are few opportunities for prospective sponsorees. Outdoor companies are generally small and many prefer to invest their limited resources in efforts that have more tangible and identifiable results.

What Sponsors Want

At the end of the day, outdoor companies are in the business of selling product. They may love what they do, and they may want to improve the outdoor experiences of their customers, but to stay in business they must make money, and they make money by selling product.

The best way to get sponsored, then, is to show how you will help your sponsor sell product. Do not think of yourself as a charity—think of yourself as someone who can contribute to the bottom line, which should entitle you to a proportional fraction of it. Sponsorships are give-get relationships—they provide gear, pay for travel expenses, and offer salaries; and you have to do things in return for them, including:

  • Being an excellent ambassador for their brand by speaking highly (and, hopefully, genuinely) about their products and by strengthening their company identity;
  • Promoting your relationship when featured in large-circulation outdoor magazines, regional and national newspapers, and television programs;
  • Achieving podium finishes in major races;
  • Giving product feedback and testimonials;
  • Putting their logo on your heavily-trafficked team/individual website;
  • Offering photos for catalogs, advertisements, and dealer support;
  • Having your writings and images published in magazines, catalogs, and YouTube-like sites; and,
  • Allowing them use of your image and likeness in advertisements and on their website.

Miscellaneous Thoughts on Sponsorships

  • Getting the first sponsor is the most difficult, especially if you don’t have much of a portfolio. Once you have proven your worth to your first sponsor, it’s much easier to get more and/or bigger sponsors—so treat all of your sponsors, even the small ones, really well.
  • Do not be tempted to do something for a “cause” just to increase the likelihood of getting sponsored, perhaps because you think the cause may help to generate more public interest and therefore a higher return for the sponsor. Only do something for a cause if it actually motivates you—if you are truly passionate about it. Otherwise, it’s just disingenuous, and people are likely to see through it and may think that you’re a narcissist.
  • It really helps to have a sponsor who is willing and wants to promote you. This avoids you being in the awkward position of having to toot your own horn, and gives you more time for training and performing.
  • Develop great relationships with your sponsors. Keep them regularly updated on your achievements, PR hits, outreach efforts, and anything else that provides them with value. Invest time and effort in your sponsorship because that will yield greater returns in the long run, both for you and the sponsor.
  • Do not seek sponsorships from companies whose products you don’t believe in or won’t enjoy using. In that case, there is no benefit to the sponsor or to you, except to say that you’re “sponsored.”


  1. KB on February 2, 2012 at 10:17 pm

    This is some really useful information. Thanks.

  2. Jill @ ATrailLife on February 14, 2012 at 2:17 pm

    This was really helpful – thanks for putting it together! We have a few sponsors that we obtained through work, but we would like to approach a few other companies and wanted some tips. Appreciate the advice!

    • Andrew Skurka on February 16, 2012 at 1:30 am

      Hopefully the article made this clear, but I actually don’t recommend pursuing sponsors. It’s unlikely you’ll receive anything. It’s even less likely that you’ll receive anything meaningful. And if you do, in exchange they’ll expect you to work for them in some fashion, and they won’t be paying you well for your time. So you might as well just find another way to cover your trip expenses.

      • Jill @ ATrailLife on February 26, 2012 at 7:48 am

        Thanks for taking the time to reply! Yes, the article did make that point clear and we aren’t considering the kind of sponsorship that provides a stipend or finances the hike. We are not at the level of hiking that would attract an offer like that and even if we were, I agree with all of the points that you made. We simply reached out to companies and requested donated or discounted gear and/or food, which so far has been a positive experience. Thanks again for the article and response – looking forward to reading your book!

  3. Paul on October 14, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Thank you for the information. I was thinking about trying to get sponsers for my AT thru-hike, since my fundraising flatlined at .21%, but I might abandon that avenue. Jill said about donated or discounted gear; how do you approach a company and ask that? Call/ email Customer Service?

    • Andrew Skurka on October 14, 2012 at 1:36 pm

      I’ll repeat what I said earlier: Given the time you must invest in pursuing sponsors and then providing value to them in exchange, you’d probably be much better off working for yourself or for an employer — it’s more assured and you’ll get “paid” better than through product.

  4. […] Andrew Skurka offers some great tips on how to get sponsored as a adventure traveler. My goal: figure out how to apply this idea to what I’m doing so that I can score some free stuff. Everyone else does it! […]

  5. michael on May 2, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    Very informative! The reason why I want to get sponsors is to get the proper gear to be able to perform the expeditions I do here in Puerto Rico easier for me and others, creating knowledge of the hidden beauties and improving tourism .I have a great passion for going off trails on the look for waterfalls, caves, petro glyphs, and enjoying nature. I’m currently taking a course to become an ecotour guide but I don’t have enough funds for the gear and supplies. Do I have any chance? Congratulations on your book!!

  6. I-I T --- on January 19, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    Hello Guys,

    I’m seeking for 1/2 Marathon sponsorship I’m from PAKISTAN please let me know if someone can guide me, I just wanted to join an International organization for their events around the world.
    I’m not seeking any salary I’m full time IT Engineer just wondering if company can sponsor me and I can keep on running for their events.

    Contact Email : [email protected]

    Thank You

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