Vulcano Ultra Trail


An adventure run around Volcan Osorno || Race Report: VUT 100k

By Andrew Skurka / December 14, 2015 /

The end of my 2015 ultra running season was originally scheduled to happen in the Marin Headlands with The North Face 50-Mile Championships, as it did last year. The course’s extensive butter-smooth jeep roads and trails aren’t my top choice, but the event is excellently managed and it attracts the sport’s top talent. But instead, I jumped on…

Travel Guide & Tips for Chile & Vulcano Ultra Trail

By Andrew Skurka / December 15, 2015 /

A considerable amount of logistical preparation is involved with any international trip to Chile and any ultra marathon. Vulcano Ultra Trail was both, which made it an especially big effort. With this travel guide, I hope to make VUT logistically easier for you. It’s based primarily on my experience in Chile, with some additional input from…

An unofficial Racer’s Guide to Vulcano Ultra Trail

By Andrew Skurka / December 16, 2015 /

This is my final post about Vulcano Ultra Trail. I’ve already written a race report and created a travel guide. In this post, I’d like to share more details about the race. Do I recommend Vulcano Ultra Trail? Not every ultra marathon matches the interests, skills, and strengths of every runner. For example, pure runners who dabble…

Getting after it again: 2015 Year in Review

By Andrew Skurka / December 28, 2015 /

Fifteen months ago, my bitterness reached its peak. The cause was obvious: for four consecutive years, starting with 2011, I had worked too much and adventured too little. Essentially, I had stopped being me. During the first two years, I wasn’t bothered. My work — mostly guiding, speaking, and writing — was novel and challenging,…