Route, trail & area guides


Near & dear: The Pfiffner Traverse, high in Colorado’s Front Range

By Andrew Skurka / January 18, 2017 /

I first came to Colorado in May 2003, for an internship with GoLite. It was an eye-opening summer. Five days per week I was awed by Boulder’s scenery while bike commuting and trail running; and the other two days I weekend-warrior’d in the Front Range. First I tried Rocky Mountain National Park, but the $15…

Repeating myself: Section-hike (don’t thru-hike) the Wind River High Route

By Andrew Skurka / October 3, 2016 /

The Wind River High Route is world-class and represents a “best of” backcountry experience in one of the wildest mountain ranges in the country. A similar statement could be made about the Sierra High Route, Kings Canyon High Basin Route, and Glacier Divide Route. A thru-hike of any one of these routes is likely to be a lifetime memory. But for nearly everyone,…

Assessment: Big game hunting in Colorado’s GMU 29 and GMU 371

By Andrew Skurka / April 2, 2016 /

The application deadline for Colorado’s big game hunting lottery is on Tuesday. For certain game management units, seasons, species, and sexes, the draw is your only chance. Otherwise, less coveted over-the-counter tags can be purchased starting July 26. For 2016 I’ve decided that I’m going to to hunt a new area for elk and deer, instead of GMU 29 or GMU 371, as I have…

Not reverse psychology: Don’t thru-hike the Wind River High Route

By Andrew Skurka / March 9, 2016 /

“Rudd, Nathan, and I are planning to thru-hike the Wind River High Route this summer,” announced Krishna, as we dug into monstrous burritos at Cafe Mexicali. Krishna was one of my first clients, and he had swung through Boulder while driving back to the Tri-State Area after a month-long ski and work trip in Silverton.…

She’s the one: The complete Wind River High Route

By Andrew Skurka / February 10, 2016 /

My guide to the complete Wind River High Route is finally live. This project was first inspired in 2009 while guiding a two-week trip through the range, and this winter it has been my biggest obsession, the focus of 100+ hours of time and the cause for several sleepless nights when it’s been more difficult…

An unofficial Racer’s Guide to Vulcano Ultra Trail

By Andrew Skurka / December 16, 2015 /

This is my final post about Vulcano Ultra Trail. I’ve already written a race report and created a travel guide. In this post, I’d like to share more details about the race. Do I recommend Vulcano Ultra Trail? Not every ultra marathon matches the interests, skills, and strengths of every runner. For example, pure runners who dabble…

Travel Guide & Tips for Chile & Vulcano Ultra Trail

By Andrew Skurka / December 15, 2015 /

A considerable amount of logistical preparation is involved with any international trip to Chile and any ultra marathon. Vulcano Ultra Trail was both, which made it an especially big effort. With this travel guide, I hope to make VUT logistically easier for you. It’s based primarily on my experience in Chile, with some additional input from…

Finest route in the High Sierra? Introducing the Kings Canyon High Basin Route.

By Andrew Skurka / April 12, 2015 /

Seven years ago I thru-hiked with Buzz Burrell the Sierra High Route, which parallels the crest of the High Sierra between Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park and Yosemite National Park. Its 200 miles represents less than 1 percent of the total miles that I have hiked, yet the experience proved to be one of the most…