Food & nutrition


Not bear- or idiot-proof: Documented canister failures

By Andrew Skurka / April 7, 2018 /

At least most of the time, hard-sided canisters like the BearVault BV500 successfully protect food from bears and “mini-bears” in the backcountry. But it turns out that they’re not 100 percent bear- or idiot-proof. Recently, I received a spreadsheet that documented 199 food-related bear incidents with backpackers in Yosemite National Park between July 2012 and…

Buyers guide: Bear canisters || Comparison of volume per weight & cost

By Andrew Skurka / March 29, 2018 /

During the day, properly protecting food is as simple as not leaving it (or a backpack full of it) unattended. The conversation about overnight food protection is longer and more nuanced. Multiple techniques can be used; regulations vary by location; and misinformation and poor practices are abundant. In this post I will focus on one specific food…

Coffee-flavored Fritos: Tips to prevent food smell contamination

By Andrew Skurka / November 11, 2016 /

“Would you like some?” Steve asked, holding out a loaf of yummy homemade cookie dough. My belly was already full from dinner, but I broke off a piece anyway, knowing that ahead was a long November night in the sleeping bag. After taking a few chews, I remarked, “It would be better without the taco seasoning…

Food list for a backpack hunt: Amounts, recipes, & planning tips

By Andrew Skurka / November 2, 2016 /

Colorado’s third rifle season for elk and deer starts on Saturday morning, and so over the next few days I’ll be finishing my preparations for our backpack hunt. Tonight, the task at hand was food. I thought I would share some tips and a list of what I’m packing. How much? We are inclined to pack…

Interview with Ursack CEO: Yosemite food regs, lobbying, & new products

By Andrew Skurka / September 20, 2016 /

Among bear-resistant food containers certified by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC), the Ursack S29.3 AllWhite is easily my favorite. It weighs just 8 oz, or 80 percent less than my BearVault BV500, which has the same volume. It’s also $10 less. And, Unlike plastic or carbon fiber canisters, it’s soft-sided and collapsible, and as comfortable to…

Freezer bag cooking: No, thank you

By Andrew Skurka / March 27, 2016 /

A reader, John P, recently asked if my breakfast and dinner recipes are suitable for “freezer bag cooking”: In preparing for my first ever thru-hike…I’m trying to figure out my menu…and came across your recipes. Is it possible to cook them using the freezer-bag method instead of cooking them in a pot? Can I pre-mix…

Snack Recipe: Raw cookie dough

By Andrew Skurka / March 21, 2016 /

As a thank you for helping her land a new job last year, an acquaintance dropped off a small but game-changing gift: a mason jar of raw cookie dough. It disappeared remarkably fast — it worked as a pre-morning run snack, a dessert after lunch or dinner, and all points before, after, and in between.…

My new 14,000-word e-book about backpacking food

By Andrew Skurka / January 6, 2016 /

A few minutes ago I uploaded a 14,000-word manuscript to FedEx Office. I’ll be giving away free paper copies of it later this week at Outdoor Retailer at the Sierra Designs booth — swing on by! This manuscript is entirely about backpacking food: what and how much to pack, trail-tested stoves with which to cook…

Backpacking food: amounts, types, nutrition & storage || SD LIVE (June 10, 2015)

By Andrew Skurka / October 21, 2015 /

Live recording SD Live: Eating Right in the Backcountry from Sierra Designs on Vimeo. Table of contents Disclosure Not a dietitian Recommendations based on what has worked for me and what I see with and hear from clients Food is really personal. Hopefully you learn a few things, but you’re encouraged to experiment. Challenges No…

Meal Recipes: The case for fewer favorites, not more

By Andrew Skurka / September 23, 2015 /

Early last week I posted a fifth backpacking dinner recipe. You should not expect more — these five meals are the extent of my backcountry cookbook. (I will post some additional breakfasts, however.) I have considered developing more, either from scratch or based on other recipes out there. But in addition to not yet being tired of…