Guided Trips: Explore world-class backcountry with us
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Guided Trips
With the help of an all-star guide team, I offer education-focused and adventurous trips throughout the lower 48 and Alaska. We specialize in lightweight, long-distance, and off-trail backpacking. Since 2011 we have run 282 trips with 2,184 clients.
For Beginners
New to backpacking, or getting back into it after a long hiatus. There is a "right" way to backpack: have the gear, supplies, and skills that are appropriate for your objective and your conditions. What do I mean by that? Follow my road map to save time and money.
Andrew Skurka
I'm an outdoor athlete, writer, and guide. In my twenties I hiked 30,000+ miles from sea to sea, around the West, and in Alaska. Since then I started a backpacking guide company; wrote a definitive how-to book, The Ultimate Hiker's Gear Guide; and ran a 2:27 marathon.