Guided Trips

With the help of an all-star guide team, I offer education-focused and adventurous trips throughout the lower 48 and Alaska. We specialize in lightweight, long-distance, and off-trail backpacking. Since 2011 we have run 282 trips with 2,184 clients.

For Beginners

New to backpacking, or getting back into it after a long hiatus. There is a "right" way to backpack: have the gear, supplies, and skills that are appropriate for your objective and your conditions. What do I mean by that? Follow my road map to save time and money.

Andrew Skurka

I'm an outdoor athlete, writer, and guide. In my twenties I hiked 30,000+ miles from sea to sea, around the West, and in Alaska. Since then I started a backpacking guide company; wrote a definitive how-to book, The Ultimate Hiker's Gear Guide; and ran a 2:27 marathon.


Pfiffner Traverse

The view north from Tablelands. The  South Fork of the Kings River runs right to left through the center of the photo, out of view deep in a canyon. On the skyline can be seen the Palisades (right side) and Black Divide (left side).

Kings Canyon High Basin Route


Hayduke Trail & Grand Canyon Traverse


Hayduke Trail Hiking Resources Bundle


Mt. Lyell, the highest peak in Yosemite. Russell Pass, a hard Class 2 over the Cathedral Range, is the low spot on the far-right ridge, to the right of the small tower.

Yosemite High Route Guide


No, this is not Alaska, it’s still Wyoming. Klondike Peak, the Sourdough Glacier, and Iceberg Lake.

Wind River Range High Route Guide
